Monday, November 19, 2012

Pentathlon - November 2012

Kellan and I retested our Pentathlon numbers this weekend, per our 60 day schedule. Here are the results. Numbers in () are changes from last test and numbers in [] are overall differences from first test. First test was July 12th for me, and September 16th for Kellan.

Vitals: 13, 5' 2", 90 lb.

Pushups  37 (-18)
Sit-ups  67 (+15)
Broad jump  4' 8" (1-3/4")
One mile  7:53 (-1:39)
Sit and reach  +1-7/8" (+3/8")

Vitals: 39, 6' 2", 184 lb.

Pushups 57 (+4) [+8]
Sit-ups 63 (+11) [+23]
Broad jump 7' (+7") [+3"]
One mile 8:00 (+:10) [-:30]
Sit and reach +1-1/2" (+1-1/2") [+7/8"]

Couple notes on this round:
Kellan's pushups are way down, but his form is much better. He was hovering off the deck a few inches before and is now getting all the way down.

We modified the sit-ups a bit. We now do them with legs out and apart in front of us and one rep is up and touch the ground between your legs. I don't think they are any easier or harder, just more convenient since where we test has no good options to hook our toes.

The first lap on the mile my shoe came untied. Instead of running with it flopping around I tied it real quick, but couldn't seem to make up the time.

We didn't do the fast lap this time either. We were both pretty smoked and I forgot to bring water.

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